BlueCielo Meridian REFSYS 2012 Configuration Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About configuring Meridian > Retention rules

Retention rules

The document retention rules are configured with the settings described in the following table.

Document retention rule settings
Setting Description


How long Generic Document type documents remain in the vault before they are deleted after being transferred or released.


How long Generic Document type documents stay in the vault after being retired.


How long Object type documents stay in the vault after being transferred or released.


How long Object type documents stay in the vault after being retired.


How long Project Attachments type documents stay in the vault after being transferred or released.


How long Plant type documents stay in the vault after being retired.


How long Project Attachments documents stay in the vault before after being transferred or released.


How long Project Attachments documents stay in the vault after being retired.

Related concepts

Document type groups

Plant group revision numbers

Generic group workflow

Generic group filenames

Project group workflow

Sequence numbers

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